Jules Vasquez is nonbinary, queer, an abuse survivor, thrive with a mood disorder, and proud. Their first novel, Plague City, won the Kenneth Patchen Award for the Innovative Novel from the Journal of Experimental Fiction (2019). Their chapbooks include Fallout, Saints and Dirty Pictures (little m press, 2009), andYet Wave (the Lune, 2017). They’re head editor for the micro-magazine (now on hiatus) HockSpitSlurp. They’ve been published lots but don’t namedrop. They enjoy noise/drone music, cheap takeout, B-rated gangster/scifi flicks, and long walks off short piers.
HockSpitSlurp: https://hockspitslurp.wixsite.com/hockspitslurp
Twitter: https://twitter.com/h0n3ybdg3rgrrr1