Badge Request

Have you earned a badge? Awesome! Use these forms to prove to us that you have made progress in the event! Fill out the information, upload your proof, and hit send! If, for some reason, you hit an upload error or would rather just send an email to us, you can do so by emailing , subject “Maerit Badge.”

Social Media Badges

Follow us online—simply give us your handle or user name so we can verify it!

    Title Badges

    You can get a badge for owning or reading Nat 1, Audience Askew, and Gaslamp Pulp books and magazines — all 2025 releases (excluding Audience Askew chapbooks) qualify, as well as select books from our back catalog. To prove you’ve purchased or read the books, submit a pic of your hand holding a physical copy, a screenshot of the book opened up to the “The End” page on your phone or e-reader, or give a pic of the invoice — remember to obscure or remove your personal information if you do this!

      Special and Secret Badges

      Just like with the title badges, screenshots are your friends!