The Wizard’s Package—Autographed Copy


An autographed copy of the paperback anthology that started it all!



An autographed copy of the paperback anthology that started it all!

Please note that fulfillment of this item may take several weeks.


The Macy Blush Collection is getting physical with The Wizard’s Package!

Featured in this spellbinding anthology are the first four works of the Macy Blush Collection, making up all of the half-succubus Na’amah’s story arc. It includes the novelettes The Wizard’s Staff and The Wizard’s Tower, as well as the short stories “The Succubus’s Chest” and “The Succubus’s Pink Pearl.”

You might be thinking, “Phooey, I can just read them online. It’s probably cheaper that way, anyhow! I’m onto you and your capitalistic ways, you conniving author, you.”

Yeah, sure, that may be true, but answer me this… Can you hold it in your hands and love it like a newborn child? No. Handheld electronics don’t count either—they aren’t the same. Completely different taste and feel. If you won’t take my word for it, try it yourself. It’s okay, I’ll wait. Tastes nasty, doesn’t it; the tingles aren’t too pleasant? Paper is far superior. Read Na’amah’s story on paper. Lick the paper. Rejoice.

Need more convincing? Here’s a list of what you’ll be getting into with The Wizard’s Package:

  • Cluttered amateurish cover: check!
  • Romanic misadventures: check!
  • Geeky jokes and puns: double-check!
  • Smut: check!
  • Love and heartbreak: check!
  • Compelling storylines: eh…
  • Crippling self-doubt regarding your life choices: check!
  • Paper: lots of paper! Ink, too!
  • Words: check!
  • Instant gratification of reading “just one more”: check!
  • The irony of this blurb if you read the book online or via Audible: check!
  • A stunning disregard for what people actually want: so many checks!